Tips to throw a party in your community’s amenity space

If you want to throw a party, but don’t have the space in your apartment to do so, there’s a convenient solution — use your community’s amenity space. You don’t have to worry about stashing away delicate and valuable belongings or confining your pets, and there will be less cleanup involved afterwards. It was designed for this purpose, so it makes sense to take full advantage of the space. To make your get-together a success, let the tips below be your guide.
Secure the room well ahead of time. The secret to any good party lies in planning ahead. When you decide to have your party in your community’s amenity space, it’s important to reserve it right away, at least six weeks in advance. Around the holidays and other times of year, such as graduation season, you might want to reserve it even earlier.
Be aware of rules and regulations. Ask your leasing office about restrictions on what can be served (for example, is alcohol permitted?) as well as your responsibilities as the host. You might need to pay a rental fee as well as a deposit to cover any potential damage, and you also might have to clean up and remove the trash. You’ll most likely be asked to sign a rental agreement for the amenity space; read it thoroughly and follow the rules.
Set the guest list. While amenity rooms can be sizable, they can’t fit everybody. Find out how many people the room can accommodate and use that as your guide when deciding who to invite. Don’t be afraid to invite neighbors, if appropriate — it can be a great way to get to know the people in your complex a bit better.
Adjust the room to fit the needs of the party. Amenity spaces typically come with dining tables and chairs and possibly sofas and coffee tables, too. You’re likely to be able to arrange the furniture so it suits the needs of your gathering. Just be sure that when you’re finished with the party, you put things back to how they were. Most communities require this as part of the rental agreement for the room.
Think carefully about decorations. It’s important that any party decorations you use will not damage the amenity space. Thumbtacks are probably out, and tape with sticky residue might be a no-no, too. The rental agreement should spell out what you can and can’t use; comply with it in order to get your deposit back.
Set up a space where people can put their things. Depending on what time of year you have the party, people may bring jackets, along with purses, bags, and other belongings. To keep things organized, designate a place where everyone can safely put away their stuff, and easily reclaim it later. You might even be able to take people’s things and store them in your apartment during the party, and fetch them as people leave.
Don’t cook while guests are there. When you’re in an amenity space, it’s especially important that you assert yourself as the host, even though the party isn’t taking place in your actual home. Make sure the food is ready and served as guests arrive, whether you’re cooking it or getting it delivered. This makes sure that people will have fun right away and enjoy themselves even more.
How to Throw a Great Party in a Small Apartment Space [Apartment Guide]