Airbnb has become a fantastic resource for people looking to explore new locales on a budget. This mobile app and website allows people to advertise and rent out rooms, apartments, and even houses to folks who are traveling. It’s a great way to experience a city as a local rather… Read more
For most people, household chores are a necessary evil. Dust is a common nuisance in the home, but fortunately there are plenty of ways to minimize it. For some of the best dusting ideas, take a look at this guide. 1. Have the right tools. The goal of dusting is… Read more
Whether you’re flying across the country or the world, or just staying in a bed that’s not your own, travel can wreak havoc on your sleeping habits. Yet there are people who log thousands of miles traveling every year, and do so with little trouble or disruption. What makes these… Read more
If you have a family, chances are good that you are always looking for more ways to spend time together. While there are plenty of options when it comes to this, there are arguably few that are more satisfying and easy to do than heading outdoors for an afternoon, evening,… Read more
Rooted in our core value of A Spirit of Caring, AvalonBay has a long-standing history of building strong communities by giving back. 2016 marks the 5th year of celebrating our annual Spirit of Caring Month, but making a difference in the neighborhoods where we live and work has always been part… Read more