Throw down with your friends around a campfire

Warmer weather is finally here, and that means spending more time outside during the day and in the evening. It also means it’s the perfect time of year to go camping. And it’s not really a camping trip without a campfire, so keep these tips in mind to get the most out of nights around the campfire with your friends.
Collect plenty of wood. As the night goes on, it’s only going to get darker, so make sure you have all of your supplies within arm’s reach to keep the fire going. Have everyone pitch in beforehand to grab enough firewood. Be sure to space out when you add more wood to the fire; you don’t want to burn the whole pile right at the start, but you also want to make sure the fire produces enough heat. Also, practice safe fire-starting and extinguishing techniques. In addition to firewood, don’t forget to collect some sticks that can be used to roast a few snacks over the open flame.
Arrange cozy seating. Blankets and chairs are in order for a get-together such as this. Keep enough space between the seats and the fire so that no one gets burned, but make sure the fire is big enough for everyone to feel warm.
Get the food and drinks ready. In terms of supplies, it’s not enough to just have fire-building materials. Coolers of refreshing drinks — preferably in bottles and cans so nobody has to pour in the failing light — are necessary, as are campfire snacks. You can cook countless dishes, including vegetables, fish, chicken, and potatoes, just by wrapping the food in aluminum foil and letting it cook over the flames. If you bring a skillet along, you have even more possibilities for meals. And what would a campfire throwdown be without s’mores? Remember not to set them too close to the fire or you’ll have a sticky mess to clean up.
Play games! While you probably won’t have enough space to play a board or card game, there are still plenty of other fun games you can play that don’t require any pieces. Truth or Dare, Twenty Questions, and Two Truths and a Lie can be a hilarious way to pass the time, and Never Have I Ever always has the potential to get crazy. When you’re with your friends, the possibilities for fun are almost endless, so don’t be afraid to improvise!
Encourage instruments. If you have a musically-inclined group of friends, there are few things more fun than jamming together. All it takes is one guitar and a familiar song to start a singalong, especially when you’re surrounded by people you love hanging out with. Ask or suggest your musician friends to bring their instruments to the campfire one night and see if you can get something going. Ukuleles, harmonicas, drums, and other small instruments are perfect for this situation.
Turn Up the Heat: Host a Bonfire Party in Your Own Backyard [Plum Deluxe]
How to Throw a Perfect Bonfire Party [Curbly]