Sustainable living is about understanding and meeting our needs in the present while not compromising the needs of future generations. Sustainability has very personal ramifications for our communities, our residents and our investors. At AvalonBay, sustainability means being aware of the full impact of our activities and managing our business… Read more
Maybe you don’t have the time to organize a food drive or go all the way across town every weekend to lend a hand at a charity-based thrift store, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still give some of your time to a worthy cause. The internet is good for… Read more
Many volunteer positions require a weekly commitment, maybe a few hours on a Tuesday night or half of your Saturday every week. While carving this time out of your schedule is a noble thing to do, it might not necessarily be a realistic goal for every week. What happens when… Read more
When you’re bringing in a regular paycheck, it’s just good form to be generous with your money. That’s not to say you have to give away a huge chunk and then live on a shoestring budget for the month, but maybe you could skip that $4 cold-brew three times a… Read more
When you’re put in charge of a big fundraising event at work or through an organization you support, a lot of pressure is put on your shoulders to carry off the bash without a hitch. And if you live in an apartment, that’s pretty impossible to do in your own… Read more