Philanthropic workouts you can try to get fit and involved

We all know that working out is a great way to stay healthy. But did you know that it can also help others? There are a number of ways you can put all of your exertion towards a good cause, no matter what your preferred style of exercise might be. Below are just five of the top “philanthropic workouts,” and how they can make you feel great, too.
Charity walks. This philanthropic workout is perhaps the only one on this list that people of all ages and abilities can do. It is not a run — it’s not even a race — and it’s all about raising awareness and funds for a given cause. The laid-back nature is what makes it fun for the whole family. Speaking of family fun, some of these events even offer entertainment along the course of the walk, and may even have activities for participants and observers alike to enjoy afterward. For a simple, easygoing exercise for a good cause, look for one of these!
5Ks and fun runs. If you are in the mood for a little extra competition, running a race might be right for you. Occasional runners may want to train a little bit for this one, as 5Ks require you to run 3.1 miles. Much like charity walks, some of these races offer entertainment along the path to the finish line, as well as water stations to keep you hydrated. While you run, you’ll be propelled by the thought of the people you’re fundraising for, as well as the people who helped you raised those funds.
Spartan races. For a competition that’s the perfect blend of intensity and fun, look for the next upcoming charitable Spartan race. These races take place on tough obstacle courses that are sure to push you to your physical limits. They vary in distance, thereby giving newcomers an easy entry point. You’ll definitely need some training before doing a race like this; it’s recommended only for those that are in great physical shape.
CrossFit competitions. If you’re into CrossFit and want to turn things up a notch, you can look into signing up for a CrossFit competition, which usually has a charity component. It requires that you and a partner complete the Workout of the Day as quickly and efficiently as possible, with points awarded based on your performance. It’s a great way to track your progress against other folks from your gym, but it’s that familiarity that also helps create a fun and inviting atmosphere.
Sports tournaments. If you’re into team sports more than individualized competitions, grab your friends and sign up for a charitable tournament. You’ll face plenty of stiff competition here, all in the name of good fun and a good cause. Whether it’s 3-on-3 basketball or five-a-side soccer, there are a number of tournaments organized by various charities. Pick the cause that you connect with the most, schedule some practices to get your team in shape, and be a contender for the cup!
Run, Walk, Get Fit for a Cause [Fitness Magazine]