5 Must-Haves for Apartment Pets

Introducing a pet to your apartment shouldn’t be a stressful experience; it should be a fun and exciting one. If you’re unprepared for his arrival, however, there’s a chance the big housewarming could deteriorate into chaos. So before you bring a new puppy or kitten home, make sure you have all the essentials ready to go. We’ve compiled a list of must-haves if you intend to introduce a new critter to your apartment in the near future:
- A quiet space just for him. Animals need to feel safe and protected in their new home. That’s why they should have their very own corner of the apartment where they can curl up without any risk of interruption or danger. Before you even bring home your new pet, scout out a zone just for him. If you already have one living at your apartment, reevaluate your space to see if there’s any extra room. The secluded spot should have a warm bed where he can snooze, some water, and one or two of his favorite toys. For your sake, it’d be easiest to to have this space near a sink where you can easily wash and refill his bowl.
- Somewhere to play and exercise. No matter your type of dog or cat, he’ll have a lot of energy pent up if he doesn’t get some regular exercise. For most cats, this is as easy as playing with their favorite toy for a while, so make sure you have a few to choose from. For dogs, however, you’ll need to be more intentional about exercise. Make sure you have a go-to dog park or walking path where you and your pup can go on a daily basis. If your apartment complex connects right to a trail or a neighborhood with winding sidewalks, even better.
- A crate. This is really just for the pooch end of the spectrum. Despite how it looks, crates are actually a welcome respite for most dogs. Since the animals are naturally den-dwellers, the contained space of a crate makes them feel safe (as long as it’s spacious enough to comfortably hold them). So you could easily make a crate your dog’s special space. Even if you have a separate designated area for him, a crate is still a good idea for use when you’re house-training (most dogs won’t relieve themselves in their cozy crate) or when you’re away. Make sure it’s comfy with a blanket and maybe a bone, just as long as it’s not a choking hazard.
- The basics. A food bowl. A leash. A collar. These should be no-brainers. In case they’re not, remember to get all of the above for a dog, and perhaps a crate, as well. You should also have toys, treats, and bathing accessories (bath tub, shampoo and conditioner, brush, and nail clippers) on hand. The same goes for a cat, sans the leash and plus a hooded litter box in a secluded place.
How to Make Your Home Pet Friendly [This Old House]
How to Make Your Apartment Pet Friendly [Apartments.com]
5 Tips for Creating a Dog Friendly Apartment [Apartment Ratings]