5 things you can do in the summer that are totally free

With winter now just a distant memory and summer in full swing, you’re probably loving spending more time outdoors in the sunshine. And the summer season doesn’t just bring warmer temps; it also offers more opportunities for free and fun activities. So whether you want to head outside and soak up some vitamin D or stay in the comfort of the AC, you’ll avoid doing any damage to your bank account with these summertime activities.
- Take a hike.
When snow and ice coat the landscape, you’re often forced to take your workouts inside. But summer provides the opportunity to skip the gym and drink in some fresh air while you exercise. You might even forget that you’re exercising when you take a hike in a beautiful park. If there’s a national park nearby, treat yourself to the carefully manicured trails that these higher profile parks promise. If not, go for a low-key hike at your favorite neighborhood park. - Find a free tour.
Do you prefer to stay inside when things start to heat up outdoors? Then skip the hike and scour the internet for free local tours. A nearby brewery, candy factory, or winery may offer tours free of admission, especially during the summer months when business slows down as folks head outside. See if you can find an option that appeals to your whole family or group of friends. - Kayak or bike.
Another way you can savor the season is by hitting your local lake. If you want to go the free route, borrow a kayak, canoe, or another watercraft from a friend. Spend a few hours out on the ebbing waves reconnecting with nature. If you have a bike at home, you can also hit the pavement at a nearby park for a refreshing ride. Borrowing a bike is obviously an option here, too. - Check out a museum.
See if your area’s museums offer any free admission days this summer. Even larger museums tend to offer the occasional free day, perhaps once a month or once every few months. If you can’t find one, then head to your local library. Many of them allow card holders to check out passes to nearby museums free of charge, but they may be in high demand. Try to inquire in advance if you have a specific day in mind. - Volunteer outdoors.
Volunteering is almost always free — sometimes you even get “paid” in the form of a free lunch or snacks. And during the summer months, the number of potential volunteer opportunities explodes as the warm weather allows for more outdoor manual labor. Volunteer to help clean up the local park, build a home for a family in need, or plant the first seedlings in a community garden. You’ll get to spend some time in nature and meet other like-minded folks along the way.
40 Free & Fun Things to Do This Summer [Apartment Therapy]
33 Fun and Free Things to Do in the Summer [PT Money]
31 Fun, Free Things to Do This Summer [Huffington Post]