Eating healthy isn’t a single choice, it’s a process. Giving up your favorite snacks and sweets cold turkey could result in a diet being abandoned immediately. Instead, it makes more sense to simply start incorporating some fruits and veggies into your diet, letting them organically begin to replace the processed… Read more
Pomegranates are in season (and in fashion) and probably on the shelves at your Trader Joe’s or local co-op. Once you find the perfectly ripe pomegranate (domestic goddess Martha Stewart says it should be a dark purple or red hue and heavy—no rotten spots), you can keep it in a… Read more
You used to have to actually hire and pay a personal trainer. Nowadays, you can just download one. There are a slew of smartphone apps (most of them free) that do the same work as an actual personal trainer, but you can just close them out when you’re done with… Read more
Resolving to be more fit, to lose weight, or to be a better person are all worthwhile goals and resolutions people set for themselves. But often times, the real goal behind these is just to be happier. Here are some ways you can set your sights directly on the goal… Read more
Making a New Year’s resolution is easy. Making a Whole Year’s resolution, on the other hand, is a little more complicated. You see, a New Year’s resolution is typically made in haste a few minutes before midnight and abandoned around Jan. 2. A Whole Year’s resolution, on the other hand,… Read more