
Do any of those translator apps actually work?

Traveling abroad is a rite of passage for every millennial. But becoming fluent in every European and Asian tongue is not. Enter: the internet, which says you don’t have to be fluent in anything other than English to navigate the globe. There are tons of translating apps you can download… Read more


4 Ways to Find an “In-Apartment” Pet Sitter

Leaving your pup or kitty behind when you go on vacay is hard enough without having to listen to her whimper while you walk out of the kennel. If you have a particularly skittish furry friend, just getting him into the cat carrier can be an hour-long ordeal. That’s why… Read more


5 Ways to Vacation Without a Hotel Reservation

  If you’re the type of adventurer who likes to have a game plan months in advance, then embarking on a trip without a hotel reservation might create some pre-vacay panic. But you can relax; you’ve got this. Booking hotel rooms in advance is so passé. If you want a… Read more


4 Tips for Group-Friendly Travel

Traveling with your entire squad means you can leave the selfie stick at home because you’ll never run out of photographers. It also means splitting rental fees, collaborating on vacay planning, and built-in people to bar-hop with. But jetsetting in a group can turn into a total sadventure if you’re… Read more

cherry ice cream

4 treats that won’t break the calorie bank

If you’ve recently decided to start living in a healthier way, you need to banish the word “diet” from your vocabulary. That’s because overall wellness isn’t really about being a stickler when it comes to what you eat, but rather balancing indulgence with hard work. So, you can keep eating… Read more