Family Picnic

8 Free kid activities for summer

When you’re a kid, there’s nothing quite like the anticipation of summer vacation. Three months of uninterrupted fun, including (but not limited to) summer camp, swimming pool sessions, and maybe even a vacation or two. As a parent, however, summer vacation isn’t quite as thrilling. In fact, it might even… Read more


6 oven-free summer meals

When your central air is working so hard to keep the apartment cool in the summer months, the last thing you want to do is fire up the oven to make dinner. But you’ll get sick of making the same old salads and sandwiches if you rely entirely on your… Read more

books on shelf

3 Books becoming movies this Summer

When the hot summer sun beats down on the earth outside, it’s only natural to want to curl up in the soothing A/C from time to time. But you’ll get totally bored if you hibernate in your own apartment the entire summer, which is why it’s important to get out… Read more


Summer Decorating Ideas

As soon as spring temperatures begin to set in, it’s only natural for your thoughts to jump ahead to summer. Spring showers will soon give way to summer sunshine, and when that transition unfolds, you’ll need to be ready. It’s not just your summer wardrobe you need to think about;… Read more


10 ways to stay in shape while traveling

When you go on vacation, you probably deviate from your normal routine—including your workout routine. Instead of waking up early to go for a run and then eating those overnight oats you stuck in the fridge the night before, you roll out of bed around 11 and head out for… Read more