Couple doing ball exercise

15-minute Workouts You Can Do at Home!

When you don’t have time for a long morning run or full strength-training circuit at the gym, you might be tempted to just skip exercise for the day entirely. But you can actually pack a full workout into 15 minutes—including commute time, since they can be performed right in your… Read more


5 Ways to Make More Room in Your Pantry

If you feel like you’re constantly running out of room in your pantry, or like bags of beans always seem to be cascading off the shelves, then it might be time to rethink the way you’re using the space. Even small pantries can be effective storage areas if you know… Read more


5 Ways to Get Better Sleep

If you get up early every morning to crush a 6 a.m. spin class or knock out a few emails before the office starts buzzing, you know better than anyone how important a good night’s sleep is—and how elusive it can be. Some bedtime no-no’s are obvious, like drinking coffee… Read more


5 Vital Elements of Staying Organized

Organization comes as second nature to some people.  These people fold their laundry immediately, toss the bag of chips as soon as it gets down to the crumbs, and never miss a dental appointment that they scheduled six months in advance. But for those who don’t have such an organic… Read more

Be Prepared! AvalonBay’s Community Preparedness Week

As part of AvalonBay’s Building Strong Communities philanthropy program and our national partnership with the American Red Cross, our second annual Community Preparedness Week (CPW) will run from June 13th-17th, 2016.  Our goal for CPW is to focus on both individual and collective disaster preparation and to engage you and… Read more