6 Ways to get inspired and commit to fit

At some point, everyone feels a little uninspired by the prospect of working out. But if you’re just starting to implement a fitness routine after a long break, it can feel like a massively daunting task. Take a look below for six of the best ways to get the motivation you need to start — and continue — your new fitness regimen.
1) Create a workout wardrobe. A new outfit of workout clothes is definitely something you’ll want to show off, but it’s also an investment. All of that moisture-wicking technology doesn’t come for cheap! Beyond the cost, having enough workout clothes to wear Sunday through Saturday means there’s no excuse not to fit in some type of exercise each day.
2) Promise to reward yourself. The physical results of having more energy, strength, and endurance are great, but it can also help to reward yourself for a job well done when achieving your fitness goals. Treat yourself to an extra episode of your favorite show or a relaxing massage or facial.
3) Make friends who are committed to the same goal. If you can form a mutually supportive network of friends who can all push each other in the direction of achievement, it can do wonders for your motivation. Take the time to introduce yourself to friendly faces at your yoga class, or say “hi” sometime to the person one treadmill over from yours! Your network doesn’t have to be in person, you can form a private Facebook group for fitness-minded friends, for example.
4) Join a contest. Whether it’s for a monetary prize or just for bragging rights between friends, adding a little competition into your routine can boost motivation. See who can do the most reps (safely, of course) at the gym, or sign up for a half-marathon. Knowing that there will be a point in the near future where your mettle will be tested might just be the thing you need in terms of fitness inspiration.
5) Incorporate your favorite charities. Did you know that working out can actually help charitable organizations? Websites like Stickk and Plus 3 Network facilitate the donation of money from corporate sponsors to charities through the fitness efforts of people just like you. Simply go to one of these websites, sign up, and feel a renewed commitment to your routine!
6) Keep a log. A good motivator to pushing forward toward bigger and better fitness goals is keeping a log of fitness achievements. Taking selfies after your workouts time after time can show all the progress you’ve made, which can give you a big confidence boost. If you want to take it one step further, you can post these on social media to share with friends, who can in turn keep you going with words of encouragement!
7 Habits of Highly Effective Exercisers [Fitness Magazine]
4 Science-Backed Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out [Daily Burn]