DIY Light Fixtures For Your AVA High Line Apartment

Simple, industrial, and modern lightning fixtures are a statement piece in any home. Even the simplest lighting fixtures like a single bulb on the end of a rope that are created by a high-end designer can cost a pretty penny. Thankfully, there are many DIY bloggers out there who either recreate these expensive pieces or create their own lightning designs. You don’t even need any electrical experience to wire them! When thinking about your future AVA High Line home, consider trying one of these DIYs to light things up!
This first lighting fixture comes the blog Weekday Carnival. Make your own abstract geometric lamp easily with a few hollow brass tubes that can be purchased at a hardware store in smaller pieces and bent to form this shape. All you need to do is run a length of cord through the tubes, tie it off, and then bend it. You can then insert any bulb with a lamp cord. Voila! This is a great example of how a very minimal and elegant piece can be made very inexpensively.
Image: Weekday Carnival
This is another great example of a geometric lamp, with just a few more steps than the previously shown. This one is from the blog View Along the Way and takes a little more time to cut the wood, glue it together, and then stain it. We promise, your patience is worth the effort! You can stain the wood to match the color scheme of your house, or perhaps even try spray painting it a metallic or neon color for a real DIY, custom pop.
Image: View Along The Way
This next lamp from Mackapär is made using the same lamp cord with socket that was used for the first two DIYs. The only difference is that you need to add a socket splitter, which can also be found at your local hardware store. It looks modern and minimal, but still so inexpensive with just a few simple items.
Image: Mackapär
This last DIY is from the Scandinavian design blog Design and Form. The disclaimer on this DIY is that it’s so ridiculously easy to make and it’s almost free. It looks unassuming yet sophisticated and well designed. All it takes is a light bulb, lamp cord, gold paper, and lastly, believe it or not a toilet paper roll!
Image: Design and Form