
Colorful pillows

A Clean Slate: How to Make a Room Feel Like New

After you’ve lived in the same apartment for a few years, those pieces of furniture you once considered so stylish might start to lose their luster. That hue you have on the wall could start to look a bit outdated. The knickknacks on your mantel and vases on your windowsills… Read more

Knife holder

5 Ways to Make More Room in Your Pantry

Between dozens of spices, a full inventory of canned beans and veggies, and fresh cereal and crackers, it’s no wonder that the average pantry is stuffed to the gills. You might even find your pantry overflowing with food, forcing you to stow the excess in random corners of your kitchen…. Read more


A Clean Home is a Happy Home

For some people, keeping the apartment clean is a matter of fact. For others, it takes a bit of extra commitment. No matter which camp you fall into, it is possible to keep your home tidy if you’re willing to shape new habits. If you start following through on a… Read more

Share the Season: Apple Pear Spice Cider Recipe

Savor the flavors of fall with this delightful apple pear spiced cider recipe sure to impress your guests. What could be more inviting than the smell of cinnamon, cloves and apples wafting through your apartment? Go on admit, you can almost smell it now! It’s like an instant trip down… Read more