Welcome Spring With These Floral Springtime Crafts

Living in Los Angeles is not only amazing because of the beautiful weather, but downtown L.A. offers you a plethora of art-based culture. You can immerse yourself in music, art and fashion any time, any day. Best of all – you have at your fingertips a whole district devoted to wholesale fabric and fashion items! This makes DTLA the premier place to be to start up some spring time crafts.
Since it’s officially spring, this is the perfect time to hold a craft night with your friends devoted to the quintessential spring totem, the flower. Even though we are spoiled here in sunny southern California and there isn’t much of a winter to speak of, there is still the rebirth and flowering season of spring to look forward to every year. The wildflowers are blooming, the trees grow new leaves and the evenings grow longer just waiting in anticipation of hot summer nights.
Below are some floral crafts you can do to usher in this new season and celebrate the blossoming landscapes around you!
Image: Flickr
Floral Ice Cubes
If you are planning to throw a party or just have a few friends over for drinks, making floral ice cubes is a subtle – yet festive – way to celebrate spring. You can even try adding fresh herbs or little slices of fruit. Some good flowers to use are roses, chamomile, calendula, borage, and pansies. Make sure all these flowers are organic and are suitable to eat. The best way to ensure this is to buy a box of edible flowers from a natural grocery store. Simply drop a few flowers in an ice cube tray, fill with water and wait for them to freeze. Add a few to some lemonade or a clear cocktail to add some color to your drink!
Floral Garlands
This DIY is great if you want to bring some fresh flowers into your apartment, but are looking for something more interesting that just sticking them in a vase. It’s also fun way to spend the weekend with friends! The Kitchy Kitchen has great DIY instructions, and we recommend pairing craft time with happy hour by drinking some cocktails with your new floral ice cubes. All you need is a branch, twine and your favorite selection of flowers.
To get all your supplies for your garland, check out the Los Angeles flower district website to find hours and look at all the vendors. It is located in the wholesale flower district downtown (only minutes away from your AVA Little Tokyo apartment.)
Image: Flickr
Floral Headbands & Hair Clips
Floral headbands and hair clips are the perfect way to wear flowers. You can use either fresh flowers or silk flowers from a craft store. Check out International Silks right in the heart of the wholesale district. They have a huge building with every kind of flower you can imagine at affordable prices. Try this tutorial from Isn’t That Charming. You can also buy regular plain headbands or elastic type ones from the drugstore and decorate them in the same way. Just choose your favorite combination of flowers, set aside some time and have fun making different spring hair accessories!
If you want to check out the thriving art scene in and around downtown LA check out the gallery row website. You can find directions and descriptions to walking art tours, museums, street art and galleries.