Apartment Entertaining

70s 1970s Theme Party

How to Throw a Totally ‘70s Theme Party

One of the best ways to entertain guests in your apartment home is to throw a theme party. Everyone loves a theme, especially one where they can dress up and strut their stuff, so what better theme besides one that hearkens back to the good old 1970s? With bell-bottom pants,… Read more


6 oven-free summer meals

Now that the sun has started to show its face for more than a few hours a day, the last thing you want to do is spend the hours after work slaving away in the kitchen. You probably don’t want to fire up your oven, either, or the A/C will… Read more


7 tips to the ultimate March Madness party in your apartment

March Madness is nearly here – brackets will soon circulate among friends and offices, statistics and predictions will be pitted against fans and loyalties. It’s the perfect opportunity to have your friends over for any of the many games. Here are some tips to make sure you throw (and still… Read more


Are You a Good Party Host?

Refilling wine glasses; keeping warm appetizers coming; coaxing a shy friend from the corner. The duties of a party host are seemingly endless. If you’re someone who loves entertaining, though, acting as host is also gratifying. But still, after the final guest has cleared out and the last plate has… Read more