eaves by Avalon

cat blue eyes

Which Toys Are Right For Your Pet?

Your critters have as much of a personality as the other members of your family, so it should come as no surprise that they enjoy different toys. From the typical squeaky stuffed animals to puzzles that keep dogs engaged for hours on end, pet toys should cater to your pooch’s… Read more


Best Summer Snacks for Under $10

Keeping kids entertained all summer is a difficult task in and of itself, but keeping them well-fed is a whole other battle. The sudden lack of structure their day can easily lead to a lack of structure in their eating habits—but only if you let it happen. You can keep… Read more


Best Family Movies to Watch in the Summer

When the weather’s nice, chances are your kids are going to spend most of their days playing outside with neighborhood friends. But when the rain starts to pour or the sun sets, that’s the perfect time for a break from the sunshine. This is when you should usher your kids… Read more

master bedroom potomac river retreat

Easy Ideas For Organizing and Cleaning Your Bedroom

It happens to the best of us: a few busy weeks at work, and all of a sudden the bedroom is a war zone. Dirty clothes in one pile, clean in another; old magazines and newspapers piled up on the bedside table. Shoes who’ve lost their mates, potentially forever. It’s… Read more

dog tongue

How to Look For Ticks and Fleas

While fleas are mostly a nuisance (albeit, a big one), ticks pose a very real threat to both you and your pet. So when your dog is spending a lot of his time outdoors during the summery months, it’s important to be diligent about checking for ticks every day, as… Read more