eaves by Avalon


6 oven-free summer meals

When your central air is working so hard to keep the apartment cool in the summer months, the last thing you want to do is fire up the oven to make dinner. But you’ll get sick of making the same old salads and sandwiches if you rely entirely on your… Read more

books on shelf

3 Books becoming movies this Summer

When the hot summer sun beats down on the earth outside, it’s only natural to want to curl up in the soothing A/C from time to time. But you’ll get totally bored if you hibernate in your own apartment the entire summer, which is why it’s important to get out… Read more


How to Have Fun on Your Staycation

Just because a family or couple’s vacation isn’t in the budget this year doesn’t mean you should waste those vacation days. Even if you don’t go out of town, giving yourself some time to step away from the office and recharge is essential for keeping your spirits up and work… Read more


Educational Road Trips the Whole Family Will Enjoy

Going on vacation as a family can certainly be a memory-making experience, but it also tends to be a stressful one. Between budgeting, planning, and just trying to keep everyone happy, frustration and cost can both begin to climb pretty quickly. There’s a simple solution, though: skip the planes and… Read more

Kitten and dog lounging together

Ways to Find an “In-Apartment” Pet Sitter

Finding someone you trust enough to care for your critter while you’re out of town can be a long, time-consuming process, especially if you want someone to actually come to your apartment. If you don’t already have a friend or family member serving as your in-apartment pet sitter, you might… Read more